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Route 458 at Banning's Corner Opened to Traffic

The Douglas County Public Works Department announces that the portion of Route 458 approximately three (3) miles west of US-59 highway will be reopened to traffic through construction beginning approximately 4:00 PM Thursday afternoon, November 17th. The portion of road to be reopened is in the vicinity of the intersection of E 1000 Road and N 1200 Road, sometimes known as Banning's Corner. This section of Route 458 has been closed since September 20, 2005 for reconstruction. Motorists should be alert for construction activities in the project area. Although the road is to be re-opened to traffic, construction of the project is not totally complete. Disturbed areas still require final dress grading, temporary seeding, fertilizing and mulching. Permanent seeding, fertilizing and mulching will occur in late winter or early spring of 2006. The purpose of the project is to improve safety for this portion of Route 458. The project entailed reconstructing the previous 15-mph turn to a 55-mph curve and adding 6-foot wide paved shoulders. The 6-foot wide paved shoulders continue east of the curve to the end-of-project located approximately 0.54 miles east of E 1000 Road. The project also included flattening the frontslopes and backslopes of ditches to make this portion of Route 458 more forgiving to errant vehicles. The project is being financed entirely by Douglas County through its Capital Improvement Program (CIP). LRM Industries was awarded the contract for construction with a bid of $503,836.

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Media Contact:
Keith Browning, Public Works Director
Public Works Department