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Judge Six Appointed as New KS Attorney General

Judge Robert W. Fairchild, chief judge of the Douglas County District Court, expressed his and the court's congratulations and sorrow on the appointment of Judge Stephen Six as the next attorney general of Kansas. Judge Fairchild, who is out of town because of a family illness, apologized for being unavailable to comment in person but issued a written statement as follows: "The Judges of the Seventh Judicial District congratulate Judge Stephen Six on his appointment as Kansas Attorney General. He is an excellent choice for the position. He will bring the utmost integrity, diligence, intelligence and wisdom to that office." "At the same time, Judge Six's appointment as attorney general is a great loss for our judicial district. He has been an outstanding district judge and is very well liked by both his judicial colleagues and the court staff. I have personally enjoyed having Judge Six as a colleague and friend and I will miss having him as a part of our court." "I have contacted Justice Eric Rosen, our Departmental Justice, and requested that he begin the process of securing the appointment of a replacement for Judge Six. He is the chair of the Seventh Judicial District Nominating Commission. Once it is convened, the commission will nominate three individuals for the vacant position and forward the names of the nominees to the governor. The governor will select one of those three individuals to serve as district judge. The entire process could take three to four months." "On behalf of all of the judges and employees of the Seventh Judicial District I wish Judge Six the best of luck in this challenging new endeavor."

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