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Lone Star Lake to be Temporarily Closed to Fishing & Swimming Activities

Douglas County Public Works announces that Lone Star Lake will be closed to all fishing and swimming activities beginning Monday, May 19th and continuing through Wednesday, May 21st . The temporary closure is a precaution due to the treatment of a certain type of submerged vegetation with the herbicide called Aquathol-K. The herbicide will be applied Monday, May 19th. The submerged vegetation to be treated is known as curly leaf pondweed. The vegetation's growth is interfering with the use of docks in the southwest arm of the lake. The treatment area will be limited to the vicinity of docks in the southwest arm of Lone Star Lake. The Lone Star Lake Cabin Owners' Association will pay for the cost of the herbicide. Aquathol-K is approved by the EPA for aquatic use. Douglas County has consulted with the Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks regarding the use of Aquathol-K and its appropriateness for the situation at Lone Star Lake. Richard Sanders, KDWP Fisheries Biologist, will accompany Douglas County personnel during treatment of the submerged pondweed. Although only areas in the southwest arm of Lone Star Lake will be treated, fishing and swimming will be prohibited in the entire lake for the three-day period. Swimming in appropriate designated areas and fishing may resume beginning Thursday, May 22nd.

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Media Contact:
Keith Browning, Public Works Director
Public Works Department