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Area Officials Meet to Discuss School Attendance in Douglas County

CONTACT INFO: Charles Branson Douglas County District Attorney 785-841-0211 Douglas County District Attorney Charles Branson announces a meeting was held yesterday at the Judicial and Law Enforcement Center to bring together local community stakeholders to discuss issues facing the educational and support service providers of Douglas County in their efforts to help students maintain the high level of attendance necessary to have a positive educational experience. The group initially began meeting in November 2005 with the goal of bringing together all of the various entities within Douglas County who work with the myriad of issues surrounding truancy. In addition to District Attorney Branson and meeting moderator Assistant District Attorney Wade Bowie, Jr., in attendance at yesterday's meeting were representatives from the Lawrence Office of the Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services, staff from The Shelter, Inc. who provide truancy diversion programs, and, most importantly, key staff from the Lawrence, Baldwin City and Eudora high schools and junior high schools. "If kids are not in school, they quickly fall behind in their work and it creates a vicious circle of defeats. Furthermore, if kids are not in school, the possibility that they are engaging in some type of negative behavior quickly escalates. They may be involved with alcohol, drugs or other illegal activities. I want to do everything I can to make certain kids are in school, ready to learn and preparing to become productive members of our community," advised Branson. At least 80% of children identified with attendance issues who participate in the programs available in the County overcome their attendance issues. -30-

Media Contact:
Cheryl L. Wright-Assistant to the District Attorney
District Attorney's Office