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Door to Door Scammers Hitting Lawrence

CONTACT INFO: Charles Branson Douglas County District Attorney 785-841-0211 Douglas County District Attorney Charles Branson warns Lawrence and Douglas County citizens to be on alert for door-to door scammers that are currently canvassing the area. Branson was notified of the situation by a citizen who had a door-to-door salesman come to her home Wednesday evening claiming he was doing a fundraiser by selling books. He also claimed to be working for Barnes and Noble. The homeowner tried to be very cautious and verify the legitimacy of the man. She asked many, many questions, but he had all of the right answers. His story was he was on a local club soccer team and the team was raising money to go to a tournament in London. He claimed the money would be used to purchase the plane tickets. He offered a packet of information that showed books that could be purchased for personal use and also showed children's books that could be purchased and donated to Children's Mercy Hospital. After thoroughly quizzing the man, the victim decided she wanted to help the children at Children's Mercy Hospital and proceeded to give him a check for $55.00. Later that evening the victim found numerous articles on the internet that suggested she may have been scammed and she decided to stop payment on the check. She then spoke to her neighbors in hopes of keeping them for falling for the same tricks. A neighbor of the victim reported she had given the man $10 and stated she knew another neighbor had also donated money. Branson verified with the City of Lawrence that there was not a Transient Merchant License for a group named First Class Sales. He also checked with Children's Mercy Hospital and was advised the hospital was not working with anybody or group to have books donated and they also stated they have never handled fundraising in this manner. Branson advised, "If these folks show up at your door, politely turn them away and then immediately call the Lawrence Police Department with a physical description and if you see a vehicle, a license tag number." Branson's Consumer Protection Division has discovered similar complaints about activities associated with this business in other states. The suspects in this scam provided the following information on their receipt: First Class Sales, LLC PO Box 87647 Phoenix, AZ 85080 -30-

Media Contact:
Cheryl L. Wright - Assistant to the District Attorney
District Attorney's Office