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Douglas County Emergency Management Receives Regional LEPC Award

Douglas County Emergency Management is proud to announce on August 8, 2009, at the 2009 Region VII Emergency Planning and Response Conference the Douglas County Emergency Management Board/Local Emergency Planning Committee were the recipient of the Large Community Award for outstanding achievement in planning, prevention and risk reduction for 2009. The Douglas County Local Emergency Planning Committee is made up of representatives from each Emergency Support Function and is dedicated to the preparedness for, response to, mitigation of, and recovery from all hazards which affect the citizens they serve. Not only have they been actively involved in hazardous materials planning requirements, they have been proactive in revising and writing all-hazard plans for Douglas County including the Local Emergency Operations Plan, Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, and a Multi-Jurisdictional Debris Management Plan (which is the first of its kind in Kansas). Their expertise and willingness to not only put words on paper but to cultivate relationships and partnerships before an event are a key to surviving a disaster or emergency.

Media Contact:
Teri Smith, Director
Emergency Management Department
(785) 832-5259