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Route 438 (Farmers' Turnpike) to open to traffic

Douglas County Public Works announces Route 438 between Route 1029 and K-10 will be opened to traffic through construction by 6:00 PM, Friday, November 20, 2009. Construction of the 2.3-mile long project is not complete, but has progressed sufficiently to allow opening to traffic. Major project work items are complete. Remaining work items will be completed during spring 2010. Remaining work items include final grading, seeding, and general clean-up work. It is not anticipated the road will require closing in order to complete remaining work items. Construction began in early June 2009. The purpose of the project is to improve safety for this section of roadway. The improvements include 8-feet wide paved shoulders, improving the road's profile to increase sight distances, and flattening the frontslopes and backslopes of ditches. The Board of County Commissioners awarded a construction contract to Hamm Construction, Inc. for the project. Hamm was the low bidder with a bid of $1,627,607. Construction is being funded from Douglas County's Capital Improvement Program.

Related Links:
Douglas County Website -
Road & Bridge Closings Map -

Media Contact:
Keith Browning, Public Works Director
Public Works Department