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SWAW Day 5: Preparedness

Make A Plan, Have a Kit, Stay Informed. Welcome to Day 5 of SWAW. Each individual is responsible for being personally prepared for an emergency. While we cannot control natural disasters, emergencies, or unexpected attacks, we can be prepared, and we can protect ourselves and our families. Proper planning and preparation will help you and your family stay safe. Make a Plan: Take a few moments today and develop or review your emergency plan. Be sure it includes how you will communicate (including an out-of-town contact), at least two meeting places, where you will take shelter during a storm, and important family information (location/phone number of school and work, doctor/pharmacy phone numbers, insurance policy numbers, etc). Have Kit: Complete an emergency kit for your and your family. Important items to include are non-perishable food, water, extra clothing, first aid kit, Wx radio, AM/FM radio, extra batteries, flashlight, medications, and personal items. You should include important documents like copies of your driver's licence, insurance policies, list of allergies, etc. Stay Informed: Find out what events you should be prepared for (severe weather, winter storms, floods, etc.) and how to recieve information concerning these (Wx radio, local media outlets, etc). Training is also available from multiple agencies including Douglas County Emergency Management. Finally, don't forget your pets. You should have supplies for them as well as a picture with your pet and your family for identification. We hope this week has expanded your knowledge of severe weather and more importantly, how to be better prepared before, during, and after severe weather strikes. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Related Links:
Douglas County EM Website -
Day 5 Topic: Preparedness -
Ready.Gov -

Media Contact:
Jillian Rodrigue, Assistant Director
Emergency Management Department