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Proclamation: County Commission proclaims November 16 as "Geographic Information Systems Awareness Day"

Office of the County Commission P R O C L A M A T I O N For Douglas County, Kansas WHEREAS: Geography has played a defining role in the settlement, history and cultural heritage of the State of Kansas; and WHEREAS: The management, use and exchange of geographic information are essential for effective decision making by local, state and federal governments; and WHEREAS: All levels of Kansas government are constantly striving to perform more efficiently with fewer resources; and WHEREAS: Accurate mapping and timely sharing of information greatly enhances government's ability to provide services to citizens; and WHEREAS: Geographic Information Systems have the potential to eliminate redundant collection and analysis of data, thereby saving tax dollars; and WHEREAS: Significant progress has been made by the Kansas GIS Policy Board and the Kansas Data Access and Support Center toward coordinating and improving the use of GIS in Kansas; and WHEREAS: Continued coordination and improvement in the use of Geographic Information Systems by local, state and federal governments is necessary: NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Kansas, hereby proclaims, November 16, 2011 as GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS AWARENESS DAY in Douglas County, Kansas urges all citizens to recognize the contribution of Geographic Information Systems in saving tax dollars, the initiatives of the Kansas Geographic Information Systems Policy Board, and the activities of the Kansas Data Access and Support Center in coordinating the further development of GIS technologies in local government. ADOPTED this 9th day of November, 2011.

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Media Contact:
Robin Crabtree, Administration
Administration Department