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Proclamation: County Commission declares February as "Career Education Month"

Office of the County Commission P R O C L A M A T I O N For Douglas County, Kansas WHEREAS: February 1-29, 2012, has been designated Career and Technical Education Month by the Association for Career and Technical Education; and WHEREAS: profound economic and technological changes in our society are rapidly reflected in the structure and nature of work, thereby placing new and additional responsibilities on our educational system; and WHEREAS: career and technical education provides Americans with a school-to-careers connection and is the backbone of a strong, well-educated workforce, which fosters productivity in business and industry and contributes to America's leadership in the international marketplace; and WHEREAS: career and technical education gives high school students experience in practical, meaningful applications of basic skills such as reading, writing and mathematics, thus improving the quality of their education, motivating potential dropouts and giving all students leadership opportunities in their fields and in their communities; and WHEREAS: career and technical education offers individuals lifelong opportunities to learn new skills, which provide them with career choices and potential satisfaction; and WHEREAS: the ever-increasing cooperative efforts of career and technical educators, business and industry stimulate the growth and vitality of our local economy and that of the entire nation by preparing graduates for career fields forecast to experience the largest and fastest growth in the next decade; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF DOUGLAS COUNTY KANSAS, hereby declares February 2012 as CAREER EDUCATION MONTH in recognition of the important contributions of career and technical education in our community, and calls upon all citizens to pay tribute to the Career Educators of our County. ADOPTED this 25th day of January, 2012.

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Media Contact:
Robin Crabtree, Administration
Administration Department