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UPDATED: International GIS Day, November 14, 2012 is Coming!

International GIS Day, November 14, 2012 is coming!!! The public is invited to the Old Courthouse - 2nd Floor Commission Room between 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, meet and greet our professionals and see what their systems can do. IT IS AMAZING!! ************ ***UPDATE*** ************ Apparently those interested in finding the GIS pins were WAY TOO GOOD. (Those original buttons will be placed at the original set of coordinates sometime before 9:00 AM on Wednesday, November 14th.) Here is the new plan: - November 14th - International GIS Day is STILL on at the Courthouse (11th and Massachusetts) from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM - second Floor- come and be amazed! - NEW coordinates have been made (see below)...much tougher! much more fun. you will enjoy nature!! - These locations are not so obvious so pick one and go for it. Feel free to find them all, but only take one. One prize per person will be rewarded. They are available NOW. ***ALL OVER THE PLACE*** 1) Clue - south end of the north arrow gone south Lat: 38.931425 Long: -95.290297 2) Clue - south of the 2 green giants is the snag Lat: 38.963129 Long: -95.286813 3) Clue - signs of busy beavers Lat: 38.983305 Long: -95.167986 4) Clue - geography is a rocking good time and a blast Lat: 38.973592 Long: -95.236659 5) Clue - look around for this one, but no need to dig Lat: 38.976109 Long: -95.22343 ********************** ***ORIGINAL MESSAGE*** ********************** - The Geographical Information Systems Department has set up a scavenge game as well: - The GIS team has a game plan, literally. There are 10 GIS pins located in public areas around the City of Lawrence. Find a pin, bring it to the Courthouse on Wednesday between 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, and win a prize! - You can use this free Android App: "Latitude Longitude Convert" or for iPhone users this free App: "UTM Convert". If you're using Google Maps, separate the two coordinates with a comma (,). - Be safe, respectful of the park's environment and mindful of traffic if you cross Massachusetts Street. Here are the coordinates: (Ready, Set. Go!) ***EAST SIDE*** 6) Clue - A light bulb may turn on while thinking about spatial relationships here: Lat: 38.961034 Long: -95.234694 7) Clue - Allow yourself to branch out with the many uses of GIS at this location: Lat: 38.961083 Long: -95.235163 8) Clue - Think "Storm Damage Mapping" at this location: Lat: 38.962963 Long: -95.235663 ***WEST SIDE*** 9) Clue - Rest your heels here while thinking about how much location plays a role in our world: Lat: 38.961161 Long: -95.236996 10) Clue - this location may make you "antsy" for knowledge about what GIS can do: Lat: 38.962807 Long: -95.237212 When you come to the Courthouse, you will discover what GIS does for us; a visual from the air of your property, and access to data behind the thematic layers of information. Visit our website for an interactive experience with the GIS Map Viewer which will be available on Wednesday, November 14th, too. See you on the 14th of November at the Courthouse - 1100 Massachusetts, 2nd Floor!

Related Links:
GIS Home Page -
GIS Map Viewer -

Media Contact:
Katherine Shaw
Information Technology Department