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Proclamation: Board proclaims April as "Child Abuse Prevention Month 2013"

Office of the County Commission P R O C L A M A T I O N Child Abuse Prevention Month 2013 For Douglas County, Kansas Whereas, children are key to the county's future success, prosperity and quality of life and, while children are our most valuable resource, they are also our most vulnerable; and Whereas, children have a right to be safe and to be provided an opportunity to thrive, learn and grow; and Whereas, child abuse and neglect can be prevented by supporting and strengthening families in Douglas County, Kansas' through the 5 Protective Factors: 1. Nurturing and Attachment, 2. Knowledge of Child/Youth Development, 3. Parental Resilience, 4. Social Connections and 5. Concrete Supports for Parents; and Whereas, we must come together as partners so that the voices of our children are heard by all and we are as a community extending a helping hand to children and families in need; and Whereas, by providing safe, stable and nurturing relationships for our children, free of violence, bullying, abuse and neglect, we can ensure that Douglas County's children will grow to their full potential as the next generation of leaders, helping to secure the future of this county, state and nation; Therefore, the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Kansas, do hereby proclaim April 2013 as "Child Abuse Prevention Month." Dated this 3rd day of April 2013. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, KANSAS

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Robin Crabtere, Executive Secretary
Administration Department