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Sanctions Announced in Beta Theta Pi Animal Abuse Investigation

District Attorney Charles Branson announced today that his office has completed its review of alleged animal cruelty at a University of Kansas fraternity event from last fall. Law enforcement was dispatched to the Beta Theta Pi fraternity house during its annual Turkey Pull party on December 14, 2012. Witnesses indicated a live turkey had been abused during the course of the event and eventually killed. "After an exhaustive investigation we believe there is evidence to suggest the turkey was mistreated," Branson said. "However, our review of the evidence revealed conflicting accounts given by various witnesses, making it difficult to determine exactly who was responsible for the improper treatment of the bird." Review of the evidence from the investigation showed that accounts of the incident that had been given by some witnesses to the media were not the same as accounts given to law enforcement investigators. The investigation revealed several fraternity officers were present at the Turkey Pull when the mistreatment occurred. As a result, Beta Theta Pi has agreed to complete 1000 hours of community service work in addition to any other community service work the fraternity would normally complete during the academic year. Further, Beta Theta Pi has agreed to pay the City of Lawrence $5,000 towards the investigation costs of the matter. The incident happened at the beginning of winter break causing a several month delay in the investigation due to students leaving the area. The District Attorney's Office delayed release of the results of its review until school resumed in August. "Although it has taken an unusual amount of time to resolve this matter I felt it was important to announce the resolution of this case after school had started and students had returned," Branson said. "I hope other organizations holding functions will take notice of this and police their functions accordingly." Branson thanked the Lawrence Police Department for their work in the case. Lawrence Police Officers spent over 150 hours investigating the matter. -30-

Media Contact:
Cheryl Wright Kunard
District Attorney's Office