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Spot treatments of aquatic weeds at Lone Star Lake scheduled

Treatment of small, remaining infestations of Eurasian Watermilfoil at Lone Star Lake will occur on Monday or Tuesday, September 23 or September 24, weather permitting. This exotic, invasive plant was treated in late July 2013 with Aquathol-K, an herbicide approved by the EPA for water application. The previous treatment was effective, but small, isolated infestation areas remain. Lone Star Lake will not be closed to water activities during the herbicide application due to the small quantity of Aquathol-K that will be applied. Richard Sanders, Fisheries Biologist for the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, will assist Douglas County forces in the application. The infestation area treated in late July was approximately 5.3 acres. As stated above, only isolated infestations remain.

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Media Contact:
Keith Browning, Public Works Director
Public Works Department