This policy establishes standards of conduct expected for those who volunteer for Douglas County. Government service is a public trust; this policy defines proper ethical behavior for Douglas County volunteers and encourages volunteers to do their work with the highest regard for moral principles. These policies are also intended to establish guidelines to assist volunteers in determining the proper course of action in situations of uncertainty regarding ethical obligations. It is the policy of Douglas County that:

Failure to abide by any of the following provisions may be grounds for disciplinary action and/or dismissal.

2.11.2 SPECIAL TREATMENT . No volunteer shall either directly or indirectly give, promise, render or pay any money, any service or other valuable thing to any person on account of, or in connection with, his/her test, appointment, proposed appointment, promotion or proposed promotion. Additionally, no volunteer will accept any of the foregoing in exchange for consideration of the testing, appointment, proposed appointment or promotion or proposed promotion of any person.

2.11.3 CONFLICT OF INTEREST. A volunteer should always avoid conflicts of interest and even the appearance of such conflicts by full, public disclosure of such interests to appropriate officials, and where possible, by abstaining from participation in the performance or exercise of the official, discretionary actions.

2.11.4 OBSTRUCTION TO VOLUNTEERING. No volunteer of the County shall defeat, deceive or obstruct any person in his/her right to examination, eligibility, certification, or appointment under the provisions of this policy, or furnish to any person any special or secret information for the purpose of affecting the rights or prospects of any person with respect to employment.

2.11.5 EQUAL VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY. Douglas County will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment in any manner because of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identification, or national origin.   All solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by Douglas County will state that qualified applications will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identification, national origin, or any other factor prohibited by law. Douglas County will not retaliate against any employee who makes a claim of discrimination.    

2.11.6 INTERNET AND E-MAIL. Internet and e-mail usage shall be in accordance with the official Douglas County Computer Usage and Security Policy. No volunteer has any property interest or expectation of privacy in any electronic communication while using Douglas County information technology systems or equipment. Furthermore, the ethical guidelines contained in this policy shall be applied to such computer use while using any County property. Volunteers are prohibited from sending personal e-mails to "All Volunteers" unless approved by Emergency Management Staff.

2.11.7 USE OF COUNTY PROPERTY. County property shall only be used for the purpose of carrying out official County business. Any exception to this regulation must be approved in writing by the County Administrator.

2.11.8 PUBLIC RELATIONS. Volunteers shall be courteous and respectful at all times to the general public. They are expected to be governed by principles and ordinary rules of good behavior and judgment. Volunteers are expected to be just and honorable in their relations with citizens; they shall not make false reports. Further, they shall not act in a manner calculated to create disturbance or dissension. Volunteers shall refrain from altercations, disorderly conduct, and the use of profane, abusive or improper language.

2.11.9 VOLUNTEER RELATIONS. Volunteers shall be courteous and respectful at all times to other volunteers. They are expected to be governed by principles and ordinary rules of good behavior and judgment. Volunteers are expected to be just and honorable in their relations with each other; they shall not make false reports concerning another volunteer or department. Further, they shall not act in a manner calculated to create disturbance or dissension.

A volunteer shall not threaten or abuse, either verbally or physically, any person, including a person in custody, unless the act committed occurred in self-defense, to protect the lives of others, or to prevent the escape of a person lawfully in custody. Volunteers shall refrain from altercations, disorderly conduct, and the use of profane, abusive or improper language.

2.11.10 ATTENDANCE. Volunteers shall adhere to attendance guidelines for each individual volunteer group as stated in Section 2.2. Volunteers shall notify group coordinator of all absences prior to the meeting. Failure to comply may lead to dismissal of volunteer.

2.11.11 PERFORMANCE.  Volunteers shall perform their duties promptly, competently, efficiently, and honestly. While activated a volunteer shall tend to their official duties diligently, and refrain from any actions that take away from the usual course of County business. Such actions include, but are not limited to, excessive personal telephone calls and excessive attention to personal business.

2.11.12 DRUGS AND ALCOHOL. Douglas County recognizes that alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace has become a major concern. We believe that by reducing drug and alcohol use, we will improve the safety, health, and productivity of volunteers.

The object of Douglas County's alcohol and drug policy is to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all volunteers, to comply with federal and State health and safety regulations, and to prevent accidents. The use, possession, sale, purchase or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or other intoxicants by volunteers at any time on Douglas County premises or while performing Douglas County work is prohibited. Volunteers must not report for duty or be on Douglas County property while under the influence of, or have in their possession while activated, any alcoholic beverage, marijuana, or illegally obtained drug, narcotic, or other illegal substance. The misuse of prescription drugs is also prohibited under this alcohol and drug policy.

2.11.13 STEALING. Volunteers shall not steal, take, or remove anything of value from any premise, household, person, or office which does not belong to him/her.

2.11.14 GUNS OR OTHER WEAPONS . Unless required by occupation, no volunteer shall carry, possess, keep, discharge, clean, repair or assemble guns, firearms, or other weapons of any description while activated, in any County owned building, or in personal vehicles parked on County property (except no volunteer licensed to carry a concealed weapon pursuant to the Kansas Personal and Family Protection Act, K.S.A. 75-7c01 et seq. shall be prohibited from keeping a concealed weapon in the volunteer's personal vehicle). The definition of weapon shall be as described in K.S.A. 21-4201. For those with a concealed carry permit, please review additional policy.

2.11.15 DRESS. Volunteers shall dress according to the position held. All volunteers are expected to wear some type of footwear while activated. Appropriate dress will vary by event, but all volunteers are expected to abide by custom or policy established by the Department Head. When providing service to Emergency Management volunteers will wear the Douglas County Emergency Management identification badge in plain view.

2.11.16 BEHAVIOR WHICH REFLECTS ON THE COUNTY.  As a volunteer of Douglas County, you are providing a service to the citizens of Douglas County. Your behavior can and will influence the public's perception of County governance. We believe that the citizens of Douglas County expect exemplary behavior from the volunteers of Douglas County. Therefore, any behavior of County volunteers which adversely impacts the opinions of the citizens of Douglas County of their government is prohibited.

2.11.17 VIOLATION OF DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS . Volunteers shall not violate any written departmental regulation.

2.11.18 INSUBORDINATION . Volunteers shall not be insubordinate. Insubordination is the failure or refusal of a volunteer to obey any proper directive or order of a supervisor or to abide by established and lawful County policy or procedure.

2.11.19 NEGLIGENCE IN THE CARE OF COUNTY MONEY OR PROPERTY. Volunteers shall not be careless or negligent with the money or other property of the County or the public.

2.11.20   INFLUENCES OTHERS TO COMMIT AN UNLAWFUL ACT. Volunteers shall not induce or attempt to induce a volunteer, employee of the County or any other person to commit an unlawful act or to act in violation of any departmental regulation or order.

2.11.21 ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS OR SERVICES. A gift or gratuity refers to anything of value, whether it is money, services, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, promise, favor, or material objects. Individual volunteers and departments are discouraged from accepting any gift or gratuity from any person or company in connection with his/her work. Individual volunteers are prohibited from accepting goods and/or services (including food) with a value of greater than twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Departments are prohibited from accepting goods and/or services (including food) with a value of greater than seventy-five dollars ($75.00), and such goods and/or services must be shared with all volunteers and not given to any individual volunteer. Should a volunteer and/or department receive a gift in excess of the amounts allowed, the volunteer and/or department head must donate this gift to a non-profit agency for use by clients and must notify the County Administrator of the donation.

2.11.22 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Volunteers shall abide by all State, local and federal laws. The conviction of a volunteer for a crime which makes the individual unsuitable for that position is grounds for immediate dismissal 

2.11.23   HARASSMENT. Volunteers shall not harass other volunteers, employees or the general public.   Harassment on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, military status, genetic information, age, disability, or any other factor prohibited by applicable law, is strictly prohibited. It is our policy to maintain a working environment free of all inappropriate conduct.   Employee shall not sexually harass other employees or the general public. 

2.11.24 SMOKE-FREE WORK PLACE. Volunteers shall not violate the Smoke Free Work Place regulation established by the County Commissioners in Resolution 93-15. This resolution prohibits smoking within a building which is owned or leased by Douglas County, and specifies that there will be no designated smoking areas within any Douglas County owned buildings.

2.11.25 POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS. Douglas County volunteers are prohibited from any appearance of campaigning for a candidate for an elected office while the volunteer is performing Douglas County volunteer work at any Douglas County facility during the work hours of that facility. This includes, but is not limited to, wearing or displaying political badges, buttons or signs on their person or on County property, distributing literature on County property, using County equipment to communicate regarding a political campaign, or in any other way participate in the administration of any political campaign during on-duty hours. This shall include the use of County equipment, including the use of email, for mass mailings with respect to a particular political campaign.

2.11.26   PARTICIPATION IN SOCIAL MEDIA SITES. It is the policy of Douglas County to recognize a volunteer's personal and private affairs, however, it is the responsibility of each volunteer to conduct themselves in a manner that will not reflect negatively on Douglas County or impair the ability of Douglas County to conduct its operations. This includes any participation in social media or social networking sites. Furthermore, the ethical guideline contained in this policy shall apply to any employee engagement in any communication on social media or social networking sites when such communication relates to County operations or if it impairs the volunteer's ability to perform their duties. Volunteers will ensure that any communication clearly reflects that any opinion expressed is the individual's opinion and is not the opinion of Douglas County or in the volunteer's official capacity as a Douglas County Emergency Management Volunteer.